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Fig. 4 | Movement Ecology

Fig. 4

From: Bridging the gap between movement data and connectivity analysis using the Time-Explicit Habitat Selection (TEHS) model

Fig. 4

Results from the time model. a Estimated mean time (in min) taken to traverse 50 m in different types of habitat at 8 p.m. Each circle represents the result for a given animal and LULC category. Circles connected by the same line correspond to posterior median results from the same individual. Blue and red circles denote statistically positive (i.e., p(\(\beta\)>0|D) > 0.975) and negative effects (i.e., p(\(\beta\)<0|D) > 0.975), respectively, whereas grey circles show results that are not statistically discernible from grasslands (the baseline LULC class). In these equations, D denotes the dataset used to fit the model. Vertical lines are 95% credible intervals. b Estimated mean time required to traverse 50 m in the baseline LULC class (grasslands) throughout the day, showing that animals moved slower and were more likely to be inactive during the daytime. Each line corresponds to the posterior median for an individual animal and gray ribbons are the corresponding 95% pointwise credible intervals

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